Sly Emenike

Game Producer and Developer

Below the list Global Game Jams I attended over the years.

  • Global Game Jam 2023: La Roota Madre

    Unfortunately, I couldn’t participate in GGJ 2022, but GGJ 2023 made up for that! Following tradition, we created a local co-op game, but this time it was an imposter variant.

    Welcome to Rumbleroot, a magical land where four brave bears embark on a quest to offer turnips to the mighty La Roota Madre. But there’s a twist – one of the bears is an imposter, trying to disrupt their mission and cause chaos. Join these fuzzy friends as they navigate through a world of rolling hills and lush forests, facing challenges and uncovering the truth. Who will come out on top? Will the bears succeed in their offering or will the imposter’s mischief get in the way?

    Theme: Root
    GGJ Site:
    You will need 4 players to play this game

    Wessel Cramer
    Sly Emenike
    Lau Fiotek
    Rick Gijsen
    Tim De Graaff
    Weikang Hu
    Aaron Ligthart
    Charlie Yau

  • Global Game Jam 2021: Operation: Wabshnug

    Global Game Jam 2021 was an online edition. I participated in a team of 6 to create a turn-based multiplayer game called Operation: Wabshnug. We had to continue with the trend of creating multiplayer games. Since this was an online edition we decided to work on a online multiplayer game.

    It was a challenging jam, we were ambitious and dedicated. In the end it payed off. We built a game we can actually play online with friends.

    Theme: “Lost & Found”
    GGJ Site:
    You will need 3-8 players to play this game

    Operation Wabshnug is a social multiplayer game where you and 7 friends outwit each other by stealing items from a museum. Plan your steps and make sure people don’t see you with the FORBIDDEN items. Rat out your gathered information for bonus points, so pay attention!

  • Global Game Jam 2020: Broken Bridges

    This year we created a 2v2 local-multiplayer game with 6 people. It is made in PlayCanvas, a 3d JavaScript game engine. As the years before we had 48 hours at the HvA to create a game. It was a weekend of a bit of sleep, snacks everywhere and lots of fun.

    Theme: Repair
    GGJ site:
    You will need 4 controllers to play this game. It is playable in the browser

    Broken Bridges is a cooperative versus game where you have to construct a broken bridge. Communication and dedication is important in this game so you and your partner can create and place the building blocks needed to complete the bridge.


    • Jan de Munnik
    • Ryan Cannon


    • Sly Emenike
    • Rick Gijsen
    • Weikang Hu
    • Charlie Yau


    • All of us 🙂

  • Global Game Jam 2019: Snail Trail

    My third Global Game Jam, and it was an awesome one. 48 hours at the HvA with about 8 hours of sleep in total (worth it). We art starting to form a pattern here, we decided to work on another local-multiplayer game. With a group of 2 artists and 4 programmers we came up with a fun little 1v1v1v1 game. (In a way it is a 3v1 game).

    Theme: “What home means to you”
    GGJ Site:
    You will need 2 to 4 controllers to play this game. It is playable in the browser

    The game is about 4 snails fighting over a shell. The goal is to hold the shell for a total of 30 seconds while fending off the other players.
    Can you stand your ground against three snails fighting for a home?

    Milan Dionisio Pires- Art, Design
    Sly Emenike – Audio, Design, Programming
    Rick Gijsen – Design, Programming 
    María Gómez – Art, Design
    Weikang Hu – Design, Programming
    Jenny Sun – Design, Programming

  • Global Game Jam 2018: Patent Bro’s

    My second Global Game Jam! This years theme: Transmission. It is my first time to participate the jam with friends and colleagues. Also my first time actually sleeping at the location itself.

    We joined the jam with a group of 9 people. Too big for a team so we decided to split up into 2 teams. Our team created a 1v1 platformer game in Phaser2, a JavaScript game framework.

    Theme: Transmission
    GGJ Site:
    You will need 2 controllers to play this game. It is playable in the browser

    Patent Bro’s is about Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison fighting to claim a patent for a unique invention: electricity! You will have to charge up your battery up to 100% for you to win.

    Sly Emenike – Programming & Design
    Maria Gómez Sanches – Art & Design
    Age Kruijssen – Programming & Design
    Robin Maree- Programming & Design
    Naomi Vogelpoel – Programming & Design

  • Global Game Jam 2017: We’re Still Here

    My first Global Game Jam! At the start of my internship at Virtual Play I was asked if I would like to join their team at the GGJ. (I said yes!) It was my second game game jam, but it was still mysterious in a way. It was great fun and a nice introduction to the GGJ.

    Theme: Waves
    GGJ Site:

    In We’re Still Here you control a group of people trying to please the god Tiamatzu, goddess of the waves. While the island is stormed with tsunami’s you try to hold stand and bunker up. Your hope is to create a small civilization so you can build the great wonder to please Tiamatzu.

    Game trailer for We’re still here

    Michele Bianchi – Art, Game Design
    Harry Boonstra – Game Design (not shown)
    Sly Emenike – Programming, Game Design
    Stephan van der Feest – Programming, Audio, Game Design
    Tom Goodfellow – Writing, Game Design
    Marie-José Vincent – Art, Game Design