My third Global Game Jam, and it was an awesome one. 48 hours at the HvA with about 8 hours of sleep in total (worth it). We art starting to form a pattern here, we decided to work on another local-multiplayer game. With a group of 2 artists and 4 programmers we came up with a fun little 1v1v1v1 game. (In a way it is a 3v1 game).
Theme: “What home means to you”
GGJ Site:
You will need 2 to 4 controllers to play this game. It is playable in the browser
The game is about 4 snails fighting over a shell. The goal is to hold the shell for a total of 30 seconds while fending off the other players.
Can you stand your ground against three snails fighting for a home?

Milan Dionisio Pires- Art, Design
Sly Emenike – Audio, Design, Programming
Rick Gijsen – Design, Programming
María Gómez – Art, Design
Weikang Hu – Design, Programming
Jenny Sun – Design, Programming