Global Game Jam 2023: La Roota Madre


Unfortunately, I couldn’t participate in GGJ 2022, but GGJ 2023 made up for that! Following tradition, we created a local co-op game, but this time it was an imposter variant.

Welcome to Rumbleroot, a magical land where four brave bears embark on a quest to offer turnips to the mighty La Roota Madre. But there’s a twist – one of the bears is an imposter, trying to disrupt their mission and cause chaos. Join these fuzzy friends as they navigate through a world of rolling hills and lush forests, facing challenges and uncovering the truth. Who will come out on top? Will the bears succeed in their offering or will the imposter’s mischief get in the way?

Theme: Root
GGJ Site:
You will need 4 players to play this game

Wessel Cramer
Sly Emenike
Lau Fiotek
Rick Gijsen
Tim De Graaff
Weikang Hu
Aaron Ligthart
Charlie Yau